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How do u make water go in a straight line?

  • #1 Dec 27, 2012

    Hey guys,

    I wanted to make a "wheres my water" mini game map on minecraft pe pixelart, so if u break a dirt block, the water will flow on until u reach the end... 1 problem though, how do u make water flow in a straight line without blocks supporting it on both sides? I need to know this because if there are blocks on both sides, then it will now be possible to break the dirt blocks... Any ideas?! If u answer this constructively i will give u +1 reputation point and give u an early release of the first level b4 i post it on the forums :)

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  • #2 Dec 27, 2012

    I don't think there is a way. Water is coded to spread out. Unless it has a hole nearby to go to. Let me try this out

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  • #3 Dec 27, 2012

    , sorry for the double post!

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  • #4 Dec 27, 2012

    EDIT: If you place a water source block, and there is a hole in a 8 block radius, the water will go to the hole.

    like this

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  • #5 Dec 27, 2012

    Ok, how can I pm u? Also, I am having trouble applying this technique to my pixelart mini game so maybe u can help me out :)

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  • #6 Dec 27, 2012

    What Rb did is the only way for the water to go in a straight line

    Because it is coded that way

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    Hey guys I have just changed my name from AidanNC to BlueProto
    Just doing this so you know who it is

  • #7 Dec 27, 2012

    Ok, how can I pm u? Also, I am having trouble applying this technique to my pixelart mini game so maybe u can help me out :)

    You click on my name and click private message

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  • #8 Dec 29, 2012

    hmmmm this is sorda hard... because there is always gonna be a hole nearby

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  • #9 Dec 29, 2012

    What I suggest is placing the map at an angle so it will always go down the quickest way, which is forwards

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  • #11 Dec 29, 2012

    or just straight vertical

    I am guessing he wants the player to be able to walk on the map

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  • #12 Dec 29, 2012

    I am guessing he wants the player to be able to walk on the map

    What do you mean by walking on the map?

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  • #13 Dec 29, 2012

    What do you mean by walking on the map?

    Like on the game board where the water is, to walk on it to access the whole thing

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  • #14 Dec 29, 2012

    No, I made it a vertical pixel art of an iphone and inside, I put a wheres my water level... so a player uses a tower next to the vertical pixel art to navigate next to the "screen" so they can break dirt blocks... if u want, I can send u guys the link as well so u can see for urself... it is still in progress though :P Thing is, I want the user to be able to break dirt blocks and the water cannot flow on either side :P kinda confusing... i know)

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  • #15 Dec 29, 2012

    +1's for everyone that posted :D Thanks for your help :)

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  • #16 Dec 29, 2012

    I think it would go to the nearest hole.

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    Life is such a Pain, Follow me and be a Wolf

  • #17 Dec 29, 2012

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  • #18 Dec 29, 2012

    Yeah Chimeratech is right if you wanna know how to make it fall straight. Tell me.

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    Life is such a Pain, Follow me and be a Wolf

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